Colorado Springs Drug Possession Defense Attorney
Contact Us for a Free Drug Charge Consultation
Drug possession is a crime with serious consequences in Colorado. Not only are the major drugs, such as marijuana and cocaine taken into account, but all compound substances used to manufacture them are considered illegal as well. If you're facing possession charges, don't fight them alone. Attorney Alexander Berry of Damascus Road Law Group is passionate about defending your case.
While there are a variety of aspects taken into account for drug possession charges, it is important to note that the court will also consider intent to distribute. This can enhances the sentence, resulting in more serious penalties. With a Colorado Springs drug possession attorney on your side, you will be properly equipped to fight for the best possible outcome.
Arrested for drug possession in Colorado Springs? Contact our Colorado Springs drug possession attorney today at (719) 354-2052 to schedule a free consultation!
Understanding Colorado Drug Possession Penalties
Colorado takes drug possession seriously and bases their sentencing off the level of the offense. The amount of drugs found on your person plays a large role in the severity of your charges. Possession crimes are classified as petty offenses, misdemeanors, or felonies, all with varying penalties.
Some of the penalties you could be charged with are:
- Between 6 months to 24 years in prison
- Mandatory substance abuse program
- Between $1,000 to $1 million in fines
Regardless of your crime classification, these are frightening and serious charges. With the firm on your side, you can rest assured that your case will be fought for with compassion and aggression.
Exploring Alternative Sentencing Options
When facing drug possession charges in Colorado Springs, there may be alternative sentencing options available to you. Alternative sentencing allows defendants to avoid jail time so long as they abide by the court's orders. Upon the completion of some alternative sentencing programs, defendants are even able to get their possession charges dismissed. Our firm can let you know if you're eligible for such a program in a free consultation.
Alternative sentencing options may include:
- Drug Court Programs
- Diversion Programs
- Probation with Treatment Programs
- Community Service
The Colorado Springs drug possession defense attorneys at Damascus Road Law Group make sure defendants understand these options and how they might provide the best possible outcome for their case. By working with our skilled legal team, we can help you navigate the legal system and potentially avoid harsh penalties associated with drug possession charges.
Ready to Defend Your Rights? Call Us Now
Call Attorney Alexander Berry today for help fighting your possession charges today. The firm is eager to defend your case with their personalized legal services and affordable payment plans.
By getting started today, they will arrange a complimentary, in-office consultation. Don't wait to get the assistance you need from a Colorado Springs drug crime lawyer.

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